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3D printing from Stratasys helps Siemens Mobility meet demands

Posted: 30 July 2019 | | No comments yet

Siemens Mobility has used Stratasys FDM 3D printing solutions which has lead to increased client satisfaction and a more streamlined supply chain.

Faced with the challenge of meeting increased customer demand for one-off customized parts, Siemens Mobility required an alternative manufacturing solution to overcome the time and cost barriers associated with traditional low-volume production. This was particularly exemplified during a recent project for German transport services provider, SWU Verkehr GmbH. With the integration of a Stratasys Fortus 900mc 3D Printer into its production process, Siemens was able to address these challenges by 3D printing on-demand, customized parts rapidly and cost-effectively, resulting in reducing inventory costs for Siemens and customers. As a result, the Mobility division is now able to respond more quickly to low-volume customer demands, while boosting its manufacturing flexibility – leading to an increase in client satisfaction.

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