
Understanding the power of data to deliver rail industry transformation

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3 October 2019

Supported by:

3 October 2019


As the rail industry strives to meet continued demand for more passenger rail services and for greater volumes of cargo to be transported by railroads, the analysis and use of data is currently the rail sector’s most valuable asset. There is no dispute that railways are getting smarter and going digital, but numerous challenges around understanding and how best to utilise modern technology still exists.

The opportunities which data brings to the rail industry is phenomenal, helping to unlock huge potential and deliver an improved transport offering to compete with other modes in this modern era of travel.

In this webinar, the speaker explored industry best practices and standards to meet current needs in rail with regards to moving forward with harnessing data and understanding its power for the rail industry.


  • Why is it important to collect data?
  • Understanding how software can assist in collecting data
  • What can be done to make sure the data/information is secure
  • The best approaches to analysing data to ensure quality
  • The challenges for infrastructure managers and rolling stock operators
  • Best practice approaches concerning Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)


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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsors: Osisoft



    Matt Miller, Transportation Industry Principal, OSIsoft
    As the industry principal, Matt is currently responsible for driving and delivering enterprise value from real-time operational infrastructure to the transportation sector. His passion centres on innovative product and market development. Matt has 30 years of experience working with hardware and software teams and will be hosting this exciting webinar.



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