HS2 Ltd awards construction contract for Birmingham Curzon Street station
Following a deal worth up to £570 million, Mace Dragados will work with HS2 Ltd in two stages to build the new Birmingham Curzon Street station.
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Following a deal worth up to £570 million, Mace Dragados will work with HS2 Ltd in two stages to build the new Birmingham Curzon Street station.
RSG's Work Pipeline Visibility Charter asks businesses in the rail supply chain to commit to sharing their work pipeline information with their suppliers.
With the goal of beginning large-scale construction works in 2021, RB Rail AS has begun the first of many public procurements of railway materials and components.
By combining the TransFER Budapest–Brno and Budapest–Köseköy connections, ÖBB RCG will be able to transport goods directly from Turkey to Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Results of the survey found that, of the SMEs already working on HS2, 80.5 per cent anticipated a drop in revenue should the West Midlands to Leeds route not go ahead.
The Rail Delivery Group's newest report outlines that rail freight delivers £2.5 billion in economic and social benefits to the UK annually, as well as significantly contributing to sustainability targets.
The wagons will be used to support GB Railfreight's growing demand for intermodal services and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions.
The train, which will operate between Vainikkala and Hamina in Finland, will enable VR Transpoint to increase the efficiency of its freight transportation services.
For a total value of €125 million, Ferrovienord has ordered 20 regional trains for service in the Region of Lombardy, which will be delivered by Alstom from 2023 onwards.
On behalf of four French Regions, SNCF Voyageurs has placed an order with Alstom for the delivery of the first hydrogen trains for France.
Under the new contract, which builds on an existing 10-year relationship, GBRf will provide internal shunting services for Celsa Steel UK, as well as all internal rail movements.
The Joint Position Paper from EU Member States shows that growing rail freight is a priority for the majority and has been welcomed by ERFA.
Over 230 freight forwarders will work with DB Cargo AG to shift more freight from road to rail in order to improve intermodal transport and be more sustainable.
Four bidders have been shortlisted for the contract to design, manufacture and maintain HS2's HV power supply systems from London to Crewe.
The ÖBB Rail Cargo Group's new TransFER service will provide a non-stop intermodal rail connection between the rail freight transport centre in Verona, Italy and the rail terminal at Hannover, Germany.