LTG Link trains to Riga will run daily, ticket sales are open
LTG Link trains will now be running between Vilnius and Riga as part of a new international route. Tickets are now available to buy.
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LTG Link trains will now be running between Vilnius and Riga as part of a new international route. Tickets are now available to buy.
East West Rail have nearly completed their track-laying between Bicester and Bletchley. Passenger services are expected to run from 2025.
California High-Speed Rail Authority have been awarded nearly $3.1 billion to continue their construction. The first phase is near completion.
LTG Link have planned a new train service to Riga, Latvia, which will run from 27th December of this year.
The two megaprojects CPK and Rail Baltica joined together for an in-person workshop in Warsaw, discussing modern connectivity in Europe.
Ministers from the Baltic States met in Riga, Latvia, on 20th October, to discuss the Rail Baltica Project.
SANDAG selects HDR to complete the next phase of their San Diego LOSSAN Rail Realignment project, leading environmental clearance.
Baltic Sea parliamentarians met yesterday to discuss the strategic importance of Rail Baltica, as well as its connections to European cities.
HS2's move to using rail for the transportation of their construction materials removed one million miles of lorry movements from the road.
Škoda Group signs €320 million contract with Uzbekistan Railways, promising 30 wide-gauge electric train units.
The North East is urging the Government to deliver on its promises and commit to re-open the Leamside Line following the announcement of the new Network North programme last week.
Goldschmidt have been awarded a contract to supply a rail inspection vehicle with combined testing, measuring and analysis technology for the Berlin underground.
Joao Rocha, Head of Asset Management and Maintenance at the East West Rail Company, explains that by scoping and testing asset management requirements at a much earlier stage in the delivery of an infrastructure project, the most appropriate assets can be selected and designed to ultimately deliver the best value…
Billy Gilpin, Director, Railway Undertaking at Irish Rail, details the work Ireland’s operator is doing to develop and implement strategies that deliver higher performance, including operational delivery, service planning, fleet maintenance and support, and how best to deal with complex operational issues.
HS2 have moved a 5,600 tonne bridge under the Coventry to Leamington railway 27 hours ahead of schedule.