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Interview: Jörgen Nyström, Business Sector Manager for Elmia Nordic Rail

4 June 2014 | By Jörgen Nyström, Business Sector Manager for Elmia Nordic Rail

On 6-8 October 2015, Nordic Rail will once again invite the railway industry to Jönköping in Sweden for an opportunity for companies, organisations and industry peers to discuss what the future holds for rail in Scandinavia. In an exclusive interview for Global Railway Review, Jörgen Nyström, Business Sector Manager for…


Growing demand for lone worker protection on UK rail network

11 April 2014 | By James Kelly, Chief Executive of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA)

More than six million people in the UK work either in isolation or without the safety net provided by direct supervision, often in places or circumstances that put them at potential risk. In the transport sector, lone workers often include ticket office and platform staff, train managers, engineers and delivery…


The Grand Central experience – an operational and safety management perspective

29 November 2012 | By David Neil, Grand Central

Grand Central is an open-access passenger train operator, carrying passengers from London Kings Cross to York and the North East and to Doncaster and West Yorkshire. For Global Railway Review, David Neil, Head of Operations and Safety at Grand Central, explains how the open-access operator fits into the UK train…


New U.S. standards create safer trains

1 August 2012 | By

With experience from Voith Turbo, latest specifications help define Crash Energy Management systems for U.S. rail systems. The U.S. rail system has always trailed behind those in the global rail market in utilising the latest technology, but new regulations institut - ing Crash Energy Management (CEM) is accelerating them into…


Building on success: the liberalised and competitive Italian railway market

1 August 2012 | By Vincenzo Soprano, Chief Executive Officer, Trenitalia SpA

The European railway industry has radically changed over recent years following the introduction of high speed networks which have revolutionised society. Italy was the first country in Europe to launch the railway market liberalisation process by opening up to competitors. In just a few years, the economy of the sector…


The railway accident investigation process in Norway

8 June 2012 | By Kurt A. Olsen, Director, Head of Rail Department, Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN)

The Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) is a Norwegian Government agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, responsible for investigating accidents and incidents in the transport sector. The history of the Board dates back to 1989. Earlier ad hoc investigation commissions only investigated fatal aviation accidents. At that time…


Rhine-Rhône HSL: sustainable development in a rail sector environment

6 December 2011 | By Xavier Gruz, Project Director for the eastern branch of the Rhine- Rhône HSL, Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)

On 8 September 2011, Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) inaugurated the first part of the eastern branch of the Rhine-Rhône high-speed line. Included in the design and construction of this line, with its major socio-economic challenges, was a series of innovative environmental measures to ensure its long-term sustainability.