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I’m a human being, not a human robot

31 March 2016 | By Daniel Davis, Train Driver, Gloucester Depot

In his latest blog for Global Railway Review, Daniel Davis looks at why distraction was the cause of two rail incidents 95 years apart and discovers why human impact should be taken into account whilst highlighting measures that can be put in place rather than relying solely on new technology…


Vital Estonian infrastructure renovation to ensure safety and quality

23 March 2016 | By Sulev Loo, Chairman of the Management Board – General Director of Estonian Railways Ltd.

On 5 November 2015 railways in Estonia celebrated their 145th anniversary. Over the course of nearly one and a half centuries, Estonia has seen various governments in power and different principles, technology and tools employed in railway construction. With some important repairs already finished, Sulev Loo, Chairman of the Management…


A possible universal approach for risk assessments

23 March 2016 | By François Bianco, Isabella Mariani and Hanspeter Schlatter from the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) Signalling Department

François Bianco, Isabella Mariani and Hanspeter Schlatter from the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) Signalling Department present their risk assessment method and suggest that a possible universal approach could be used.


Better safety, not more safety

3 March 2016 | By Peter van der Mark

In an article for Global Railway Review, former train driver Peter van der Mark discusses safety on Britain’s railways and looks back at the implementation of TPWS train protection system together with Automatic Warning System and its outcome on driver action.


Improving station safety & reducing incidents on platforms

11 February 2016 | By RSSB and Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Global Railway Review

The Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) speaks to Global Railway Review about the launch of a new guide aimed at improving station safety and reducing platform-related accidents…