Network Rail told to spend more on reliability and safety
Over the next five years, Network Rail has been advised to spend more than planned to maximise the railway improvements…
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Over the next five years, Network Rail has been advised to spend more than planned to maximise the railway improvements…
Recent headlines and statistics suggest that many pedestrians and motorists do not understand the dangers of level crossings. Is the rail sector doing enough to help educate the public? With this year’s International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) just around the corner, Global Railway Review takes a look at how…
Great Britain has one of the best level crossing safety records in Europe. This is a commendable position given that the rail network in Great Britain is one of the most intensively used in the world. Robert Wainwright, Head of Level Crossings, Network Rail gives an insight on how this…
Unfortunately, injuries and fatalities occur too often at level crossings around the world, but they could be prevented. The rail sector is actively working to reduce risks and prevent accidents.
1 June 2018 | By
GAI-Tronics – a division of Hubbell Ltd – provides systems, products and services that improve on-board and trackside communications for the railway industry. Neal Wright, Business Development Manager, talks about GAI-Tronics’ strategic development plans and gives greater insight into what they can off er the rail industry.
In this issue: Infrabel’s commitment to delivering a smarter and safer railway, VIA Rail Canada’s fleet renewal programme and modernisation strategy, and a UK debate from industry experts.
Danijela Barić, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, believes that to improve safety at level crossings, every implemented measure should be designed to remove as many human errors, made while driving or walking over level crossings, as possible…
Manager of TrackSAFE Foundation New Zealand, Megan Drayton, supplies information on the schemes, partnerships and preventative methods that are in place to improve safety at New Zealand’s level crossings…
When you think about Australia, barbeques, vegemite and kangaroos immediately come to mind, but there’s something else we focus on and that’s level crossing safety, discusses Naomi Frauenfelder, Executive Director TrackSAFE Foundation.
There are approximately 3,300 level crossings in the ÖBB network, with the number falling every year. In addition to investments in underpasses, overpasses, traffic lights and barrier systems, ÖBB-Infrastruktur is focusing on awareness-raising measures to prevent dangerous situations from initially arising, discusses Herbert Ofner…
The railway crossing safety topic is still on the agenda, due to the ongoing grim accident statistics. Although the overwhelming majority of collisions at level crossings are caused by mistakes by pedestrians and drivers, Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) continues their search for tools to help improve the safeguarding of…
Operation Lifesaver (OL) Canada – a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to preventing incidents at level crossings as a result of trespassing on railway property – has been working to find new and innovative ways to spread its rail safety message across the country. Sarah Mayes, OL’s National Director, provides more information.
ARA and TrackSAFE have backed the proposed measures to deter risky and dangerous behaviour on and around the Western Australia rail network…
The UK's Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) has published its Annual Report for the calendar year 2017, listing some of the key outputs and the recurrent safety issues giving cause for concern...
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has issued the funding of $250 million in an effort to help strengthen rail safety in the U.S.