DB Regio trains running through Baden-Württemberg using biofuel
57 DB Regio trains are now running through Baden-Württemberg using biofuel, resulting in around 90 per cent less CO2 emissions than diesel.
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57 DB Regio trains are now running through Baden-Württemberg using biofuel, resulting in around 90 per cent less CO2 emissions than diesel.
With a total of 33 next-generation Nightjets expected on the rails by 2025, the interior of the new sleeping and couchette car has been revealed by ÖBB and Siemens Mobility.
Download this case study from Vecow to learn more about rail security systems and the benefits they can bring.
Alstom have been awarded a contract to provide Catalonian operator FGC with 10 new Coradia Stream regional trains and 15 years of maintenance.
Anisha Pandeya and Raman Arora from the Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) – an IT arm of India’s Ministry of Railways – explain how Indian Railways is set to revolutionise the way it delivers communication to its passengers thanks to a centralised display control system.
Completion of modernisation work at Ilford station means Elizabeth line passengers will benefit from step-free access and improved gatelines.
Moderated by Judit Sandor, Programme Manager at Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, participants of this Roundtable explore how to improve passenger satisfaction post-pandemic, the role of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and the importance of on-board comfort and transforming train stations.
Ahead of moderating Global Railway Review’s upcoming Roundtable feature, Clément Gautier, Project Manager at the UIC, explores our understanding of precisely what a railway station is, and more importantly he details what this means for the station of 2022 and the future it will need to serve.
Passengers using the Chiltern main line to travel between Birmingham, Oxford and London will soon benefit from smoother, more reliable journeys.
Jean-Marc Pennont, GIRO’s product manager for passenger rail, talks AI and optimisation technologies, and how they are redefining integrated planning and resource management.
Ridership on Amtrak’s state-supported services hit an all-time high in July 2022, with more than 110,000 passengers choosing to travel by train.
Packed full of exclusive content, including our InnoTrans 2022 preview, plus features from: Germany’s Federal Minister for Digital and Transport; the European Commissioner for Transport; Canadian Pacific; Norfolk Southern; the Association of American Railroads; the ERTMS Users Group; and many more!
Northern have issued more than 100 penalty fines following a clampdown on fare evasion between Leeds and York.
Romford station has been given an internal upgrade and refurbishment, including an improved entrance hall, ticket office and lift access to Elizabeth line platforms.
Craig Waters, Editor of Global Railway Review, explores what made the headlines in the rail industry during week 22-26 August 2022.