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Using big data for railway operations and maintenance

14 June 2017 | By Dr Diego Galar, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

In their article, to be published next month in Global Railway Review Issue 4 2017, Professors Diego Galar, Uday Kumar and Ramin Karim from Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, elucidate the possibilities of big data in the railway industry and anticipate its positive effects on operations and maintenance (O&M) from…


RailNetEurope – gateway to European rail infrastructure

23 May 2013 | By Joachim Kroll, Secretary General, RailNetEurope and Bettina Wunsch-Semmler, Member of the Managing Board in charge of Communications, RailNetEurope

Revitalising the railways of Europe has been on the agenda of both the railway industry and the European institutions for a number of years. Since 1991, the European Commission has issued a number of directives and regulations as part of the four ‘railway packages’ and the TEN-T initiative (Trans-European Transport…


Introducing our new-look Editorial Board!

20 February 2013 | By

Global Railway Review is committed to keeping our readers informed of current and future rail transport developments throughout Europe. We achieve this via our mix of project and investment coverage, regional and country profiles, technical features and industry news. To help with the continuing success of Global Railway Review, we…