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Future Railway Mobile Communications System (FRMCS)


Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) is the future worldwide telecommunication system designed by the International Union of Railways (UIC), in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders from the rail sector, as not only the successor of the Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R), but also as a key enabler for rail transport digitalisation. FRMCS has the potential to become the worldwide standard, compatible with European regulations and responding to the different requirements of rail organisations around the world.


Rail Live! 2023 hits Madrid from 29th November

21 November 2023 | By

Rail Live is Spain’s leading international railway focused exhibition and conference, bringing together operators, infrastructure managers, rolling stock manufacturers, researchers and suppliers seeking to promote rail both for people and goods.


Accelerating Intelligence to Lay Foundations for the Future

17 November 2023 | By

The digital railway brings many advantages: It enables the use of better train control systems, allowing trains to run closer together and so enhancing capacity; at the same time, safety is improved with drivers having signalling instructions, commands and authorisations displayed on the control panel in front of them.