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European Train Control System (ETCS)



GSM-R from Nokia Siemens Networks – the fast track to efficient railway communications

28 January 2010 | By Johann Garstenauer, Head of Railway Solutions, Nokia Siemens Networks

Today’s railway networks are undergoing a renaissance. With high-speed lines competing for much of the business of short haul and domestic air traffic, railways are attracting passengers at an ever growing rate. Modern digital communications technology is ready to support this transformation.


Changing the future

28 January 2010 | By László Mosóczi, Member of the Board, Chief Operating Officer, Head of MÁV Infrastructure

Hungarian State Railways Co. (MÁV) is characterised by limited market and financial opportunities which are determined by the obligation to sustain the level of service, the application of obligatory ticket prices, limited budgetary compensations and by limited debt raising opportunities. After a couple of decades, the first years of the…


ERTMS: from Malaga to Warsaw and beyond

15 May 2009 | By Michael Clausecker, Director-General and Emmanuel Brutin, ERTMS Public Affairs Manager, UNIFE

Michael Clausecker's round-up of UIC ERTMS World Conference 2009 which provided a platform for suppliers, railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and political institutions a unique opportunity to express their views on current issues and challenges related to ERTMS.


Benchmarking ERTMS implementations

15 May 2009 | By Paolo de Cicco, ERTMS Platform Manager, UIC

Details of the ERTMS Benchmark project which was launched with the objective of providing UIC members with a methodology and framework for an international economic evaluation and benchmark of ERTMS implementations.


UIC support development on European corridors in Central Europe

26 March 2009 | By Poul Frøsig, UIC ERTMS/ETCS Project Manager and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member and Ibrahim Muftic, Signalling & Telecommunication Expert, Railway Design Company in Zagreb

In 1992, the UIC initiated the ETCS project. An EU Transport Conference held in Essen in 1993 and a document published by the Danish transport EU commissioner, was the starting point for considerations on supporting corridors in Central Europe. Mr. Poul Frøsig, the ETCS Project Manager, identified in the Danish…


Complete renewal of Danish railway signalling

26 March 2009 | By Morten Søndergaard, Programme Director, Banedanmark

Details of the programme to renew all Danish railway signalling before 2021, focussing on economies of scale and creating a competitive market situation to ensure best price and quality.


Today’s challenges for the railways in Germany

26 March 2009 | By Wolfgang Tiefensee, German Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs

Wolfgang Tiefensee, German Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, looks at how the rise in road transport has challenged the railways in Germany, and how the balance can be redressed.


ERTMS in 2007

28 December 2008 | By Dan Mandoc, Chargé de Mission – GSM-R, Department of Infrastructure, UIC and Olivier Lévêque, ETCS Senior Advisor, UIC.

ERTMS is the European Rail Traffic Management System – a signalling and train control system promoted by the European Commission for use throughout Europe and specified for compliance with the High Speed and Conventional Interoperability Directives. The system aims to remedy the lack of standardisation in the area of signalling…


ERTMS: offering an end-to-end solution to all transport organisations

3 December 2008 | By Robert Sarfati, Director Consultant at SYSTRA, Chairman of the UIC ERTMS/GSM-R Operators Group and Chairman of ETSI Technical Committee for Rail Telecommunications

GSM-R is the bearer for ERTMS/ETCS, the European Train Control System, gradually introducing a true intelligent traffic management system all over the railway lines in Europe. This global system is now extending to several countries worldwide as a recognised operating system.


The clue to an ETCS-only access

1 August 2008 | By Jan Richard, Business Unit ‘Train Control Systems’, SBB

Today, railway networks and their infrastructure managers, as well as the railway undertakings, are facing the crucial challenge of migrating their signalling and train control systems towards the common European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), while perhaps also maintaining conventional and mixed traffic operations. The basic concept of ERTMS, namely…


Keeping up-to-date with ETCS implementation plans in Spain

28 May 2008 | By Antonio Domínguez Chala, Network Planning and Development Director, ADIF

This article presents the main aspects concerning the experience that the development of the ERTMS system in Spain has produced, and the established criteria for the migration to this new system.