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CP – an attractive transport brand with a clear future focus

19 September 2012 | By José Salomão Coelho Benoliel, Chairman, CP

The Portuguese Government recently decided to lease the suburban railway services of Lisbon and Oporto to the private sector, according its Strategic Plan for Transports, approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution Nº 45/2011 of 13 October 2011. The Government intends to define the model for the new private sector,…


FBSIC – an innovative tool based on GIS technology

19 September 2012 | By Luís Mata, CEO, Ferbritas

Railway infrastructure managers and operators are huge property owners, managing important railway facility and infrastructure territories. Due to the historical background of the railway industry, valuable real estate assets can be found, and there are certain regulations concerned with urban and suburban environments associated with railway lines, stations, logistic terminals…


Three new connections in the Portuguese network

10 December 2010 | By Romeu Costa Reis, Member of the Board, REFER EPE

In 2010, REFER EPE – the Portuguese rail infrastructure manager – opens three new connections of great importance for the rail network in Portugal. Three investments in the Main Network, considered as priorities in the Strategic Guidelines for the Railway Sector established by the Portuguese Government in 2006, include the…


Portuguese high-speed rail business model: a new way forward on PPP

17 September 2010 | By Isabel Falcão de Campos, Legal Director, RAVE and Pedro Leite Alves, Legal Advisor, Jardim, Sampaio, Magalhães e Silva

1 June 2009 marks the day, exactly 12 months after the international Public-Private Partnership (PPP) tender for the Poceirão–Caia high-speed rail line (HSRL) was launched, when best and final offers were in and the procedure which would lead to a successful financial close on 8 May 2010 was initiated.


Preparing to face future challenges

26 September 2009 | By Francisco José Cardoso dos Reis, CEO, CP (Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E.)

In October 2006, the Portuguese government issued the Strategical Guidelines for the railway sector, which aims at empowering the railway competitive advantages in terms of performance and efficiency in the frame of the transportation system and enhance the sector's sustainability as a contributor to the economical development and to the…


Recent progress boosts REFER’s success

27 September 2008 | By Eduardo Frederico, General Director of Infrastructure Exploitation, REFER

The Portuguese railway has recently seen significant developments with many of its operations including the construction and renovation of its infrastructure, railway systems and equipment, as well as making alterations to management personnel. Along with the liberalisation of the railway sector, a set of new challenges demanded the infrastructure managers…


Portuguese high-speed network is fast approaching

26 September 2007 | By Carlos Alberto João Fernandes, Member of the Board, RAVE

RAVE is a company that develops and co-ordinates the projects and studies that are necessary to facilitate decision-making in the context of planning, constructing, financing and operating a high-speed rail network that is to be established in continental Portugal along with its planned connections to the high-speed railway network in…


High-speed and GSM-R: Portuguese overview

28 July 2006 | By Eduardo Frederico, Director of Engineering, RAVE

By decision of the Portuguese Government, a High Speed Transportation System shall be developed which offers both international high-speed and national high-speed train services (passenger and freight) accommodating the increasing requirements for cross-border mobility and which contributes to the strengthening of the economic position and social cohesion, in particular between…