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Naples–Bari and Palermo–Catania–Messina high-speed/high-capacity lines

6 August 2015 | By Michele Mario Elia, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS Italiane)

The Naples–Bari and Palermo–Catania–Messina high-speed/high-capacity (HS/HC) itineraries are among the main works included in the so-called ‘Unlock-Italy’ Law no. 164 of 11 November 2014. The Italian government aims to give the country a strong sign of recovery in both the economy and employment – commencing in the South – through…


Titagarh Wagons acquires Firema Trasporti

17 July 2015 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Global Railway Review

Indian manufacturer Titagarh Wagons Limited has announced the acquisition of Italy-based rolling stock manufacturer Firema Trasporti.


Extended Rail Hub Milano reopens

28 April 2015 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Global Railway Review

In an opening ceremony in Melzo, Milan, Contship Italia Group celebrated the reopening of the enlarged Rail Hub Milano.


The Brenner Base Tunnel – A railway line for the future

5 August 2014 | By Konrad Bergmeister, CEO at BBT SE

The construction of the 64km-long Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is in full swing. After the completion of three construction lots in Italy and Austria with an investment of €550 million, the next construction lots are on the way. Konrad Bergmeister, CEO at BBT SE – the company tasked with construction…


Italo: Increasing its high-speed rail market share with quality services

5 August 2014 | By Paolo Ripa, Chief Commercial and Operation Officer at Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV)

Despite the economic crisis, the high-speed rail market is currently experiencing a positive trend compared with other modalities – i.e. air, road, and long-distance ‘traditional’ rail, etc. In fact, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) evolution in Italy has been unhealthy during the last two years: -1.8% in 2013 and -2.4% in…


Exporting Italian railway know-how and expertise around the world

5 August 2014 | By Matteo Triglia, Managing Director of Italferr

Drawing up plans and designs, calling for tenders and performing works management, supervision and project management functions in respect of all kinds of infrastructure investments in Italy and worldwide are the major areas of operation in which Italferr, the engineering company within the FS Italiane Group, has been engaged since…


Brenner Base Tunnel construction continues as expected

19 September 2012 | By Konrad Bergmeister, CEO, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE

Construction of the 64km-long Brenner Base Tunnel is in full swing. Two sections of the exploratory tunnel are completed, the access tunnel in Mules now connects the exploratory tunnel with the surface, and two more logistic tunnels are ready for use. The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is a straight, flat…


Building on success: the liberalised and competitive Italian railway market

1 August 2012 | By Vincenzo Soprano, Chief Executive Officer, Trenitalia SpA

The European railway industry has radically changed over recent years following the introduction of high speed networks which have revolutionised society. Italy was the first country in Europe to launch the railway market liberalisation process by opening up to competitors. In just a few years, the economy of the sector…


Italo – now a reality

1 August 2012 | By Giuseppe Sciarrone, Managing Director, Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A. (NTV)

On 28 April 2012, the first passenger-filled Italo train left Naples station heading to Rome, Florence, Bologna and Milan. It was a highly emotional moment for everybody at NTV: the personnel, the partners and, of course, for me. After approximately four years of startup plans, the project finally became a…


The Italian railway network looks to the future

4 August 2011 | By Michele Mario Elia, CEO, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI)

My last contribution to Global Railway Review was back in Issue 4 2008, when I was interviewed about the then current status and view of high-speed operations in Italy. Since then Italy has changed a great deal where infrastructure is concerned. The Italian High-Speed/High-Capacity (HS/HC) network Today, Italy is a…


High-speed in Italy and liberalisation

3 August 2010 | By Mauro Moretti, CEO, Ferrovie dello Stato Group

The FS Group (Italian State Railways) is the largest company in Italy, which has helped boost the Country’s growth, thanks also to the recent launch of the high-speed service. The Group has successfully completed a process of internal reorganisation that has turned it into a modern and efficient reality, up-to-date…


The kick-off for Italo has been set

3 August 2010 | By Giuseppe Sciarrone, Managing Director, Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.a. (NTV)

NTV, the first Italian private high-speed operator, will start commercial service in September 2011. We officially announced the kick-off date in a press conference we held in Rome at the end of May 2010. We therefore have 15 months of tough work ahead to complete the necessary steps to ultimate…