Rail Forum Europe addresses future challenges and funding for the European rail sector
24 October 2014 | By Rail Forum Europe
Rail transport has a great potential to be the backbone of the Single European Transport Area...
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UNIFE are the European Rail Supply Industry, which advocates on behalf of more than 100 leading rail supply companies in Europe – from SMEs to major industrial champions – who are active in the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transport systems, subsystems and related equipment. UNIFE also brings together national rail industry associations from 11 European countries. UNIFE’s members account for 84 per cent of the European, and 46 per cent of the global market for rail equipment and services (stats at March 2022). UNIFE communicate members’ interests at European and international levels while actively promoting rail equipment and standards worldwide. UNIFE’s membership reflects all segments of Europe’s rail supply industry from rolling stock manufacturers and infrastructure suppliers to system integrators and engineering companies. UNIFE’s members are committed to collaborating on common challenges facing our sector, and also providing the innovative technology needed to meet the growing demand for sustainable transport. Here follows our content related to UNIFE.
24 October 2014 | By Rail Forum Europe
Rail transport has a great potential to be the backbone of the Single European Transport Area...
9 October 2014 | By UNIFE
On the occasion of the Club Feroviar & AIF “Railway Days Wider Black Sea Area Railway Investment Summit” in Bucharest held on 7-8 October, UNIFE, in support of its Associated Member, the Romanian Railway Industry Association, AIF, (Asociatia Industriei Feroviare din Romania...
6 October 2014 | By CER & UNIFE
On 8 October, EU Transport Ministers will meet in Brussels to discuss the Fourth Railway Package...
24 September 2014 | By Global Railway Review
Tomorrow, 25 September 2014, UNIFE and VDB will host a high-level Dialogue Forum about ERTMS rollout plans and interoperability, which will take place in the main conference area for InnoTrans - Palais am Funkturm - from 10am to 12pm...
23 September 2014 | By UNIFE
Despite low economic growth and public deficit problems in several important countries, the world rail supply industry steadily grew at approximately 1.5% per annum in the period from 2011 to 2013, according to the 2014 UNIFE World Rail Market Study released today at InnoTrans...
26 June 2014 | By CER/UNIFE
The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies and the Association of the European Rail Industry encourage the Member States to consider a transport dimension for the post 2020 climate and energy policies...
In our latest free-to-view Bogies/Wheelsets supplement, read articles from Eddie Searancke from Bombardier about the FLEXX Eco Bogie; CETEST’s developments into testing instrumented wheelsets; and the latest progress into UNIFE’s EURXALES project…
26 February 2014 | By UNIFE
UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Industry, welcomes the voting outcome of the European Parliament on the Fourth Railway Package on 26 February 2014...
20 February 2014 | By Unife
At the initiative of the Hellenic Presidency of the EU, decision makers and transport leaders from the EU institutions, executives from the European rail sector, Greek rail stakeholders, research centres and academia gathered in Athens...
16 December 2013 | By UNIFE
SHIFT²RAIL is an unprecedented joint effort...
In this Noise & Vibrations supplement: Reducing vibrations near railway lines – ways for finding effective measures; Industry cooperation needed for a less noisy railway; Speech intelligibility in trains...
6 November 2013 | By UNIFE
This agreement outlines a framework for cooperation and information exchange between the two associations...
16 September 2013 | By UNIFE
Reinforces the ties between the European and Russian railway sectors...
26 July 2013 | By CER
CER and UNIFE emphasise their support for the Fourth Railway Package’s Technical Pillar...
3 July 2013 | By UNIFE
UNIFE welcomes the result of the study...