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Network Rail


Network Rail own, operate and develop Britain’s railway infrastructure; that’s 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and stations. Network Rail also runs 20 of Britain’s largest stations. Here follows our content related to Network Rail.


Euston Station beverage units open in May 2015

24 March 2015 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Global Railway Review

Euston, London’s fourth busiest railway station, will open various beverage units from May 2015 offering more choice for passengers and the local community.


How are high levels of rail integrity achieved?

11 March 2015 | By

Chris Eady, Executive Director of the Institute of Rail Welding, takes a look at the topic of broken rails and rolling contact fatigue and, with quotes from Brian Whitney at Network Rail, explains why it is necessary to repeat the importance of rail integrity management.