Network Rail secures record £2 billion to better Surrey’s railway
The money will be spent between 2019-2024 across the route and represents more than a 20 per cent increase on the existing five-year budget.
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Network Rail own, operate and develop Britain’s railway infrastructure; that’s 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and stations. Network Rail also runs 20 of Britain’s largest stations. Here follows our content related to Network Rail.
The money will be spent between 2019-2024 across the route and represents more than a 20 per cent increase on the existing five-year budget.
On 30 October 2018, more than 150 delegates attended RSSB’s Intelligent Power Networks to Decarbonise Rail conference. This was borne out of and inspired by the UK Minister for Transport, Jo Johnson’s decree, back in February 2018, in which he said, “I would like to see us take all diesel-only…
Following recent market research, Network Rail and Transport Systems Catapult work together to source innovation solutions that could benefit the UK rail network.
Extra track, that is ready to be installed on the line, will help increase freight transportation, reduce congestion and improve rail safety.
For both passengers and freight operators the approval will help cut delays caused by infrastructure failures, such as track defects.
Following the pilot of the UK’s first tram train, it is hoped that other areas across the country will realise its potential as an alternative option for urban mobility.
UK organisations can apply for a share of up to £300,000 to develop new ways to plan railway infrastructure and meet passenger demand.
New platforms have been constructed, existing platforms extended and signalling systems upgraded; transforming Liverpool’s rail station.
A project is underway to upgrade the rail route between Doncaster and Immingham which looks to keep traffic off the roads.
To help increase awareness of the dangers at level crossings, Network Rail is partnering with British Transport Police on a national safety campaign targeted at drivers.
Network Rail’s fleet will cover a distance of more than four times around the earth to ensure the UK rail network remains safe during autumn.
The UK currently has a national rail infrastructure pipeline worth £88 billion, which is the greatest investment in the sector in over a century. As a result of these unprecedented levels of investment, significant opportunities exist for investors to support and add value to the rail supply-chain.
Network Rail’s Infrastructure Projects (IP) Signalling team has achieved an industry first – recording the highest ever score in an internationally recognised project management assessment.
As part of an ongoing drive to improve train performance, Network Rail’s high-tech thermal imaging helicopter recently flew over Surrey to spot and stop potential railway infrastructure faults.
A two-year contract extension continues the close partnership between British Steel and Network Rail.