Rail Infrastructure Managers welcome overhaul of European railway laws
17 September 2010 | By EIM
The heads of EIM welcome the far reaching revision of basic European railway regulation proposed today by the European Commission...
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17 September 2010 | By EIM
The heads of EIM welcome the far reaching revision of basic European railway regulation proposed today by the European Commission...
28 January 2010 | By Luc Vansteenkiste, Director General of Access to the Network, Infrabel
Infrabel, the Belgian railway infrastructure manager, is busy working on building a direct rail link between the Left and the Right Bank in the Port of Antwerp: the Liefkenshoek rail link. In mid-January 2010, the project company LOCORAIL NV started boring the first of two tunnel shafts. In a conversation…
23 January 2009 | By Luc Lallemand CEO, Infrabel
Luc Lallemand, CEO of Infrabel, speaks about the challenges, strategy and Infrabel's investment related to the Public Private Partnership (PPP) project to extend the railway capacity towards the port of Antwerp and the construction of the Liefkenshoek rail connection.
29 January 2008 | By Luc Lallemand, CEO, Infrabel
Infrabel, the infrastructure manager of the Belgian railway network, has invested strongly in the extension of the railway capacity towards Brussels Airport. An important project in this respect is the construction of the Diabolo, which will be realised with private capital by the specifically set up project company, Northern Diabolo…
29 January 2008 | By Eddy Clement, Director General of the Network Department, Infrabel
Infrabel, the Belgian railway infrastructure management company, is investing in the modernisation of its network control centres in a number of stages. The new Traffic Control centre and the concentration of signal boxes are two important projects in this context. In an interview with Global Railway Review, Eddy Clement, Director…
26 September 2007 | By Luc Lallemand, CEO, Infrabel
Infrabel, the infrastructure manager of the Belgian railway network, is investing strongly in the extension of a competitive, suitable railway infrastructure in various Belgian ports. These extensions support the development of the ports and will improve intermodality between rail and water. In an interview with Global Railway Review, Luc Lallemand,…
6 February 2007 | By Jean Marie Raviart, Director General of Infrastructure, Infrabel
Belgium, at the heart of Europe’s railway network, is a key link in what is to become a vast interoperable network of high-speed lines covering Europe. Infrabel intends to take every advantage of the opportunities this will offer. The high-speed line between Brussels and the Dutch border will be put…
6 February 2007 | By Luc Lallemand, Chief Executive Officer, Infrabel
Every day, approximately 360,000 commuters travel into and out of Brussels and a further 50,000 or so are forecast to join their ranks by 2008. Against this background of increasing commuter numbers, and as road networks become increasingly congested, the Réseau Express Régional is undoubtedly the best solution for ensuring…
14 February 2006 | By Luc Lallemand, CEO Infrabel
In an interview with Global Railway Review, CEO Luc Lallemand openly talks about Infrabel, the manager of the Belgian railway infrastructure. During this conversation the CEO, among other things, talks about the main tasks, the investments, the major projects and the challenges of Infrabel.
14 February 2006 | By Jean-Marie Raviart, Director General of Infrastructure at Infrabel
Jean-Marie Raviart, Director General of Infrastructure at Infrabel, was interviewed by Global Railway Review to comment on Infrabel’s investment policy and the major Belgian railway projects.