UK Rail for Ukraine’s first humanitarian aid train leaves for Ukraine
UK Rail for Ukraine will be sending more than a million items of aid to Ukraine in response to the humanitarian crisis in the region.
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UK Rail for Ukraine will be sending more than a million items of aid to Ukraine in response to the humanitarian crisis in the region.
Although Deutsche Bahn’s performance in 2021 was affected by the pandemic, increasing passenger numbers have resulted in the highest percentage growth in revenue since 2019.
DB Cargo is trialling the use of ‘combi-consists’, hoping to increase capacity, improve customer service and improve efficiency.
With the humanitarian crisis worsening, CER is continuing to work closely with its members to ensure the flow of refugees towards safe havens and help with the supply of aid.
The Siemens Mobility locomotives can be operated with either diesel or electricity, and delivery is expected to begin in 2026.
Manchester’s railway has received a once in a generation maintenance upgrade of a 21st century signalling system, which aims to improve future journeys for passengers and rail freight.
One of DB Cargo’s DE6400 freight locomotives is to be equipped with state-of-the-art ETCS technology for service in Belgium and the Netherlands.
In order to reduce the impact of rail noise on German residents, DB Cargo has implemented a range of measures, including noise protection walls, to achieve its reduction target.
Over 230 freight forwarders will work with DB Cargo AG to shift more freight from road to rail in order to improve intermodal transport and be more sustainable.
The German federal government and Deutsche Bahn have announced that a further 1,250km of infrastructure will be equipped with passive noise protection measures, to better protect more citizens living near railway lines.
The Vectron Dual Mode operates in electric mode on electrified rail routes, but can switch to diesel operation on sections without overhead lines.
The collaboration between the two companies will see the CoolRail freight service expand to the UK, the Nordic countries, Germany and Poland, among others.
By connecting two of Europe's largest ports with the most important economic hubs in Germany, DB Cargo can take 70,000 lorries off of the roads.
Rail Freight Forward members and sector associations have welcomed an MoU for the development of European Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) for rail freight.
Colleagues from the Technical Innovation Circle for Rail Freight Transport (TIS), Project Manager, Stefan Hagenlocher, and Spokesman, Jürgen Hüllen, explain the objectives of the TIS towards strengthening the rail freight transport sector by supporting the growth and development of innovative freight wagons and intelligent freight trains.