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Bombardier Transportation


Bombardier Transportation was a Canadian-German rolling stock and rail transport manufacturer, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. It was one of the world’s largest companies in the rail vehicle and equipment manufacturing and servicing industry.


Bombardier – worldwide experience in high-speed

26 March 2009 | By Jürgen Jakob, Director of Marketing & Sales and Heiko Mannsbarth, Chief Engineer & Product Manager for Mainline and Metro Bogies, Business Unit Bogie of Bombardier Transportation

Jürgen Jakob covers the history of Bomardier in the field of high-speed rail, from the first railway vehicle to reach 210lm/h to the present day.


Platform of success: Bombardier exhibits new trains

27 September 2008 | By Bombardier

Bombardier, the global leader in rail transportation, never fails to create an impact with its biannual display of products at InnoTrans. This year is no exception, with Bombardier exhibiting no less than four new trains, as well as its latest developments in energy-saving technologies. Much excitement has surrounded the unveiling…


Simulations of running dynamics in bogie design and development

28 May 2008 | By Oldrich Polach, Chief Engineer Dynamics, Business Unit Bogies, Bombardier Transportation and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member

Bombardier Transportation develops and produces bogies for a complete range of modern railway vehicles. The calculations and analyses of running dynamics play an indispensable part in the development of these products. This article outlines the usage of computer techniques to investigate vehicle dynamics during the individual product development phases of…