Maintaining MATISA’s high level of quality
6 August 2014 | By Matisa
MATISA Materiel Industriel SA believes that success comes with responsibility...
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6 August 2014 | By Matisa
MATISA Materiel Industriel SA believes that success comes with responsibility...
6 August 2014 | By Hitachi Rail Europe
Hitachi Rail Europe Ltd. announced that it has signed a contract with Network Rail for implementation of the European Train Control System (ETCS) on two Class 37 locomotives...
5 August 2014 | By Jeff Morales, California High-Speed Rail Authority
California continues to lead the United States’ efforts to accelerate high-speed rail, writes Jeff Morales, CEO of the California High-Speed Rail Authority...
5 August 2014 | By Michaela Stöckli, SWISSRAIL Industry Association
Michaela Stöckli, Director of the SWISSRAIL Industry Association, discusses Switzerland’s deep heritage in rail...
5 August 2014 | By Manchester City Council
The report, One North: A Proposition for an interconnected North has been formulated in response to the challenge set out by Sir David in his original report HS2 Plus...
4 August 2014 | By Siemens
Austrian Federal Railways is ordering a further nine Railjet trains from Siemens, with delivery of the seven-car units planned for December 2016...
30 July 2014 | By Transport for London
Transport for London and MTR have now signed the contract for the operation of Crossrail services...
30 July 2014 | By MTR Corporation
MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of MTR Corporation formally signed a concession agreement with Transport for London to operate the Crossrail train service for an eight-year period with a two-year extension option...
29 July 2014 | By Bombardier Transportation
Rail technology leader Bombardier Transportation announced that SNCF has exercised an option for 22 additional Francilien commuter EMUs...
23 July 2014 | By Serbian Railways
Due to the catastrophic floods which hit Serbia in late-May 2014, the country’s railway infrastructure suffered huge damages estimated to be in the region of millions of Euros – the consequences of this devastating act of nature on Serbian railway lines will remain for an extended period of time.
23 July 2014 | By Quintiq
Quintiq announced that its solution has been chosen by Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois to improve crew and fleet planning and scheduling...
23 July 2014 | By CAF Signalling
ADIF Alta Velocidad has awarded the consortium of CAF Signalling, Revenga Ingenieros and FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energéticas a € 98.6m contract...
22 July 2014 | By Crossrail
Crossrail has manufactured the last of its 250,000 concrete segments, used to line the tunnels of Europe’s largest infrastructure project...
22 July 2014 | By The Office of Rail Regulation
The Office of Rail Regulation’s annual safety report published warns the industry of safety challenges in managing record levels of rail traffic and calls for better infrastructure management...
22 July 2014 | By Hitachi Rail Europe
200 for AT200 – train launch draws 200 industry attendees vying to experience new train first hand...