Alpha Trains to lease five DMU trains to the Czech Republic
Posted: 30 January 2020 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Alpha Trains has signed a long-term lease contract for five Siemens Desiro Classic DMUs with a subsidiary of Arriva Transport Česká Republika a.s.

The Five Desiro Classic two-car diesel multiple units (DMUs) will be leased to Arriva Vlaky. The vehicles are currently in use in Slovakia and are operated by RegioJet. From December 2020, they will be in service in the north of the Czech Republic on the Liberec–Turnov–Semily–Stará Paka route.
Shaun Mills, CEO of Alpha Trains Group, said: “We are delighted that our multiple units will now also be in operation in the Czech Republic. The national railway markets in Europe are opening up to competition – services and prices are becoming more comparable. We are pleased to be part of this development.”
Arriva was able to prevail against several competitors in a Europe-wide bidding process for this transport contract, and the lease will run until the end of 2029.