
Video released showing progress of California high-speed rail project

Posted: 11 December 2019 | | No comments yet

The video follows all progress made and milestones hit during construction on the high-speed line project throughout 2019.

A video issued by the California High-Speed Rail Authority highlights the progress and major construction milestones that have been hit throughout 2019 on the high-speed rail project.

The beginning of the year saw the completion of the realignment of State Route 99 in the city of Fresno. Following on from that achievement, throughout the course of the year, almost 30 major construction sites are now underway across the 119 miles of high-speed rail construction occurring in the Valley. Multiple projects have reached completion, and major progress has been made on the remaining ones. 

The project has resulted in significant investments into the region, with over 350 small businesses from the Central Valley being recruited to participate in the construction of the project, and over 3,000 construction workers having worked on the project to date.