Grupo Mexico Transportes chooses Wi-Tronix® for fuel savings, productivity and safety enhancements
Posted: 5 December 2019 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Wi-Tronix®, LLC and Grupo Mexico Transportes (GMXT) are continuing to build a long-term partnership focused on leveraging Wi-Tronix technologies to save fuel, improve productivity and enhance safety as part of Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR).

In 2016, GMXT start deploying Wi-Tronix IoT platforms across their mainline freight locomotive fleet in two of its subsidiaries (Ferromex and Ferrsosur). Extending this partnership, Ferromex will be deploying Wi-Tronix Violet Edge 800s and Wi-PU IoT platforms across broader sections of the their fleet. Once fully deployed, over 525 locomotives at Ferromex will be equipped with Wi-Tronix IoT platform technology.
Iván Verdugo, Chief Transportation Officer of Ferromex, said: “With Wi-Tronix technology, we will enhance our focus on fuel conservation and productivity. The combination of video and locomotive information, powered with real-time alerts and notifications of events, allow us to be extremely responsive to many types of incidents on our right-of-way.”
Larry Jordan, CEO and Chief Technology Officer of Wi-Tronix, said: “The Violet Edge platforms incorporate digital video recorder functionality enabling video information with a multi-camera configuration. From incidents with other vehicles to safety concerns, Ferromex will be able to monitor all their operations and get the right resources to trains in the field in minimal time.”
Wi-Tronix combine edge processing with advanced systems such as Visual Intelligence (VI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and interpret actionable information that improves railway safety in real-time. They are the preferred connected solutions provider to over one-third of all locomotives in North America. To date, over 2,000 Wi-Tronix Violet Edge IoT platforms have been ordered and over 12,000 rail vehicles from all types of manufacturers have Wi-Tronix platforms.

Left to Right: Xavier Singla, Wi-Tronix Customer Success Mgr.; Jose Antonio Silva Pizano, Purchasing Mgr. of Rolling Stock; Aldo Luna Martínez, Sr. Corporate Lawyer; Irma Espinosa Meléndez, Assistant Dir. of Purchasing for Rolling Stock; Chad Jasmin, Wi-Tronix VP Customer Success; Larry Jordan, Wi-Tronix President and CTO; Francisco Alejandro Santiago Ramírez, Sr. Buyer
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Cargo, Freight & Heavy-Haul, Digitalisation, Internet of Things (IoT)