Spanish high speed rail to receive boost thanks to EU funding
Posted: 12 May 2011 | | No comments yet
A Spanish study selected under the 2010 TEN-T Annual Call which will contribute to the realisation of Priority Project 3…

PP3 High Speed Line Madrid-Lisbon. Sub-section Madrid-Oropesa. Studies (Phase I)
A Spanish study selected under the 2010 TEN-T Annual Call which will significantly contribute to the realisation of Priority Project 3, the “High speed railway axis of southwest Europe”, will receive €5 million in EU co-financing. The study aims to complete the groundwork for the eventual upgrade of a section of high speed line in order to reduce travel times and increase the competitiveness of the rail sector in the region.

PP3 High Speed Line Madrid-Lisbon. Sub-section Madrid-Oropesa. Studies (Phase I)
The study, which concerns part of the Atlantic branch of Priority Project 3 and lies on the high speed Madrid-Lisbon corridor, will prepare for future construction works between Madrid and the cities situated along the corridor (Talavera de la Reina, Cáceres, Plasencia, Mérida and Badajoz), significantly reducing travel times and enhancing cohesion with the rest of Spain and with Europe. It will complement national investment from the government of Spain.
The study will include 11 separate activities. The first 8 cover the technical design studies for the track bed on the following sub-sections:
- Connection Madrid-Sevilla-Olías del Rey (15 Km)
- Olías del Rey-Rielves (17.2 Km)
- Rielves-Cármena (16.6 Km)
- Cármena-Montearagón (24 Km)
- Montearagón-Talavera (14.3 Km)
- Talavera-Calera y Chozas (13.4 Km)
- Calera y Chozas-Oropesa (14 Km)
- Oropesa-Toledo provincial limit (20.4 Km)
The three remaining activities cover geological and geotechnical studies, support for project management and a fauna study.
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Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA)