Bane NOR and Adif sign ‘exchange of experience’ cooperation agreement
Posted: 16 October 2019 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Norway’s rail infrastructure manager, Bane NOR and the Spanish rail infrastructure manager, Adif, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to create better opportunities for a closer and more flexible cooperation.

Alvaro Mascaraque Sillero (front row, left), Adif and Gorm Frimannslund (front row, right), Bane NOR. Back row from left to right: Bjarne Birkrem, Senior Advisor at Bane NOR’s International Affairs Department, María Sainz, Commercial attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Oslo, and Solfrid Hammersmark, Head of International Affairs Department, Bane NOR. Credit: Bane NOR
The agreement will cover mutual training within specific fields, joint workshops, study visits and technical assistance.
“We are very pleased that we have now achieved a formal agreement on cooperation and exchange of experience,” said CEO of Bane NOR, Gorm Frimannslund. “In certain areas, we have a lot to learn from Adif, for example ERTMS, where they have the largest network in Europe. Then there are also areas where Bane NOR has invaluable knowledge, such as tunnel drilling, which they have expressed the wish to learn more about from us.”
Adif is eager to broaden its collaboration with Bane NOR and hopes it will help both parties to improve services to their customers.
“Through this agreement it will be easier to put experts from both companies within various fields in contact with each other,” explained Álvaro Mascaraque Sillero, International Organisations Manager in the International Directorate at Adif. “In other words, it is a win-win situation. We share common aims and challenges in our day-to-day operations, and in order to meet the customers’ expectations it is a good idea for infrastructure managers to exchange experiences.”
He added: “We expect to learn from our Nordic colleagues within several fields. Environmental engagement, BIM modelling, how to operate railways in extreme weather conditions, construction of long tunnels and the liberalisation of the railway sector are just a few good examples of areas where we can learn more from Bane NOR.”
Gorm commented: “We have a firm belief in learning best practices across national boundaries, and we are looking forward to making use of the opportunities provided by the agreement.”