Talgo and AOI sign agreement to improve rolling stock in Egypt
Posted: 5 August 2019 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Talgo and AOI’s framework agreement will investigate the joint development of rolling stock across different segments in a bid to increase Egyptian railways capacity and performance.

Talgo and the Arab Organisation for Industrialisation (AOI) are to work together to see how they can jointly improve rolling stock on Egyptian railways.
Under the terms of the framework agreement, Talgo and AOI will explore all the options available for the joint manufacturing of rolling stock to be used in different operating segments, including long-distance rail services and as part of the ambitious plans underway to reduce travel times and improve the quality of the public transport services across Egypt.
The agreement for the joint development of Egyptian railways capacity and performance improvement projects was signed in Talgo’s Spanish headquarters in Madrid by Talgo CEO Jose Maria Oriol Fabra and SEMAF Factory chairman Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Esmail Nagdy. SEMAF Factory is the AOI branch responsible for the manufacturing of railways rolling stock.
The agreement will deepen the commercial relationship established in April 2018 when ENR awarded Talgo what it will be its second train supply project, after the successful commissioning of very high-speed trains for the Haramain railway in Saudi Arabia. With a total contract amount close to €158 million, Talgo will supply ENR six full passenger trains that will provide service on the main route of the country, connecting the cities of Alexandria in the Mediterranean with the capital, Cairo, and the southern city of Aswan.