Renfe starts the purchase of up to 38 hybrid Cercanías trains
Posted: 10 July 2019 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Thought to cost in excess of €470 million, a new tender of 38 hybrid Cercanías trains has been approved by Renfe’s executive board.

The Board of Directors of Renfe has approved the tender for the purchase of up to 38 hybrid Cercanías trains, for €365.6 million. In total, including the acquisition of pieces of park, the integral maintenance of 11 of the trains during 15 years, the tooling and initial warehouse necessary for said maintenance, as well as additional options of supply and maintenance, the bid amounts to €473.9 million.
The objective of this operation is to renew the rolling stock park to provide accessibility and adapt it to future changes in the infrastructure and electrification of the road, hence they are hybrid, and configurable with both conventional and wide axes width UIC.
The hybrid trains will be formed of three cars plus a generator van, able to circulate both electrified and non-electrified, which will allow the replacement of the diesel material.
The maximum speed will be at least 160 km/h under catenary and 140km/h in non-electrified areas. They will include the main security systems. The maintenance will be carried out through a mixed company with Renfe Fabricacion y Mantenimiento.
The new Cercanías trains will have the latest advances in terms of accessibility and comfort on board, they will be accessible to people with reduced mobility and adapted for people with visual or hearing disabilities. Also areas for bicycles and children’s carts, as well as complimentary Wi-Fi for travellers.
It will be valued that the energy consumption is the lowest possible and that the emission indexes are respectful with the environment.
This tender is part of the Public Service Obligations (OSP) contract formalised between Renfe Viajeros and the General State Administration (AGE).
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Electric/Hybrid Rolling Stock, Electrification & Cabling, Funding & Finance, Rolling Stock Orders/Developments