Southampton appoints visiting professors in railway research
Posted: 8 March 2011 | | No comments yet
The University of Southampton announced the appointment of two new Visiting Professors, to strengthen its field of railway track research…
The University of Southampton announced the appointment of two new Visiting Professors, to strengthen its field of railway track research...
The University of Southampton is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Visiting Professors, to strengthen its capabilities and industrial links in the field of railway track research.

Andy Doherty
Andy Doherty (Director of Railway Systems Engineering – Network Rail) and Andrew McNaughton (Chief Engineer – High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd.) will be supporting the EPSRCfunded Track21 Programme Grant in an industrial advisory capacity, and engaging with Southampton’s railway research activities under the auspices of Southampton Railway Systems Research (SR2).
Professor William Powrie, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at Southampton and Principal Investigator of Track21, says: “We’re delighted to welcome Professors Doherty and McNaughton on board to formalise their links with Southampton. Our researchers and students will benefit enormously from the wealth of knowledge and experience they bring to these roles, and this relationship will provide an excellent opportunity to promote railway research, careers in railway engineering and closer collaboration between industry and academia. That we have attracted such respected figures to Southampton also says something very positive about our growing reputation in the area of railway research.”
Professor Andy Doherty says: “I’m very pleased to be working with Southampton University, I hope to make a useful contribution to the University and to the Track21 project and make it the success it undoubtedly will be.”
Professor Andrew McNaughton says: “I am delighted to develop further my relationship with the University of Southampton which has a strong history of rail system research and, with Track 21, is now carrying out a vital programme to develop ballasted track for very high speed rail in the 21st Century”.