Indiana’s railroad safety to be improved with $125 million grant programme
Posted: 4 April 2018 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
The grant programme, Local Trax, aims to encourage partnership between the state, local governments, private businesses and railroads to increase safety, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life…

Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has announced at least $125 million will be made available for high-priority railroad safety projects.
The projects must be on local roads state-wide to receive the funds through the agency’s new ‘Local Trax’ matching grant programme.
Local Trax provides state matching funds for Indiana cities, towns and counties interested in pursuing high-priority railroad level crossings, crossing closures and other safety enhancements at railroad intersections with local roads.
“Much like Community Crossings, Local Trax is an innovative approach to infrastructure funding that creates a partnership between the state and communities willing to improve their local roads,” Governor Eric. J Holcomb said. “Eliminating level crossings on local roads makes our transportation network safer, reduces congestion and better connects our communities.”
INDOT will begin accepting project proposals from local agencies in May 2018. The application window will stay open until 31 August 2018 with the awarding funds expected to be announced in late summer. Local Trax requires local governments to provide only 20 per cent of funding for land acquisition and construction with the state providing the other 80 per cent.
“Thanks to Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Roads plan and the support of state lawmakers, Indiana is able to invest in infrastructure, both highways and local roads, at levels not seen before in our state’s history,” INDOT Commissioner, Joe McGuinness, said. “Local Trax will direct needed funds to high priority local rail projects, enhancing mobility and liveability in our communities.”
Related topics
Funding & Finance, Infrastructure Developments, Level Crossings, Safety