EIM has a new President and Executive Director
Hubert du Mesnil, President of Réseau Ferré de France, takes over as President, and Hendrik Abma takes over as the new Executive Director.
Hubert du Mesnil, President of Réseau Ferré de France, takes over as President, and Hendrik Abma takes over as the new Executive Director.
The association of European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) has from 1 September 2010 a new President: Hubert du Mesnil, President of the French Infrastructure Manager Réseau Ferré de France. At the same time, Hendrik Abma takes over as the new Executive Director of EIM.
EIM’s new President Hubert du Mesnil said: “Infrastructure Managers must work hand in hand to ensure operational, economic, and environmental performance of our European network. This is the top priority for EIM.”
EIM’s Executive Director Hendrik Abma: “Rail is the most sustainable of all transport modes. We need to ensure a level playing field in order to allow rail to grow and to offer quality and customer-oriented service .”
Mr. Du Mesnil is taking up his post for a two-year mandate. He has a long experience in the transport sector including managing ports and airports, before becoming CEO of RFF in 2005. Hubert du Mesnil will be supported by three Vice-Presidents: Luc Lallemand, CEO of Infrabel (Belgium); Gunnar Malm, Director General of Trafikverket (Sweden); Romeu Reis, Board Member of Refer (Portugal).
EIM currently represents rail infrastructure managers from ten European countries. Its market share has grown to 50 percent of the railway lines and 62 percent of the passenger transport market and 39% rail freight in EU and EFTA.
EIM’s Vice-President Luc Lallemand said: “By completing its high-speed railway network from border to border, Belgium has clearly shown its intention to contribute to the development of a united cross-border Europe. Many challenges are undoubtedly lying ahead, but together we will transform the railway sector into a sustainable European reality.”
EIM’s Vice-president Gunnar Malm said: “The railway systems of EIM’s members deliver daily services throughout Europe to our customers, trade and market and to the society. The demand for improvements is very clear to me. The solution lies in supporting the European Union in setting the best legal conditions and the optimal political support. Here the new EIM will play a vital and progressive role.”
EIM’s Vice-President Romeu Reis said: “EIM is entering a new phase and must deepen its strategic vision and stress its role as the organization representing the specific interests of independent infrastructure managers. Aiming to improve each member´s railway and European railways as a whole, in order to deliver a better service to customers, EIM will help to make railways the transport system of choice in Europe.”