FOGTEC RAIL Systems receives 9 orders from Stadler
Posted: 23 February 2010 | | No comments yet
Stadler has placed nine orders to equip their trains with FOGTEC Rail Systems’ active on board fire protection system.
Stadler Bussnang AG have chosen FOGTEC Rail Systems to supply an active on board fire protection system across nine individual orders.

FOGTEC high pressure water mist technology (Image courtesy of FOGTEC Cologne)
The biggest order includes 50 five-car vehicles for Norway. These newly developed Flirt NSB Flirts have been ordered by Norwegian State Railway who have an option for further 100 vehicles. The vehicles are particularly designed to fit the Norwegian broad gauge, and they fulfil the new crash norm standards as well as the different requirements of the harsh Northern climate.
FOGTEC will supply the vehicles with the approved “Series 9000” fire detection system, and will have the FOGTEC fire fighting systems installed in the power converter.
Stadler will deliver eight 2/6 GTW as well as eleven 4/12 GTW to the North-Italian operator LeNord (once FNM). According to the Italian legal framework the vehicles must be equipped with a fire fighting system, and will use the FOGTEC high-pressure water mist system. Their many years of experience in the Italian regulatory system, and the acceptance by the Italian regulatory authorities, were key to FOGTEC winning the contract.
The 14 Flirt vehicles for France will also be equipped with the “Series 9000” on board fire fighting system.
The other orders include the 16 DMUs and EMUs of Stadlers “Gelenktriebwagen” for Graz-Köflacher-Railway and the Steuermärkische Regional Railway. For the first time Stadler is implementing the “Series 3000” fire detection system in these projects. On account of the requirements by the Austrian regulatory authorities, these vehicles will feature a fire detection system in the passenger compartment and the engine components. The engine components include high-pressure water mist technology.
Also 11 Stadler “Gelenktriebwagen” for the local network in Dallas will feature the “Series 1000” fire detection system, as well as the FOGTEC – water mist system fire fighting system. The system for the narrow-gauge locomotives for the Southern Austria “Schneebergbahn” comprise only the “Series 1000” fire detection system.