Network Rail submits final proposals for level crossings across Cambridgeshire
Posted: 12 July 2017 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Network Rail has applied to the Secretary of State for a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) to close or modify 29 level crossings across Cambridgeshire.

The company has been working to reduce the risk that level crossings pose and has developed proposals to manage the possible closure or change of use of around 130 level crossings in Anglia across Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex, Havering, Hertfordshire, Southend and Thurrock.
“We have carried out a comprehensive programme of consultation to fully understand the impact of our proposals and I’d like to thank everyone who contributed,” said Richard Schofield, Network Rail’s route managing director for Anglia. “As intended, the feedback we received has informed our final proposals, and we await the decision of the Secretary of State.
“We understand that public rights of way are an important part of life in this region, and have maintained connectivity where possible in our plans. We are committed to improving safety and efficiency at level crossings as part of our Railway Upgrade Plan.”
Closing level crossings and diverting to alternatives will make the railway safer by removing the point where people can come into contact with trains. The closures will also help improve efficiency and reliability and will facilitate potential future developments for faster and more frequent services.
The crossings identified for potential closure include those where:
- There are private rights only
- People can easily be diverted to where a nearby alternative exists
- A new public route to a nearby alternative can be provided
Closures, if agreed, will take place from late 2018. Network Rail will also continue to modify or close its highest risk crossings as part of its Railway Upgrade Plan.