First NTV Pendolino Italo car revealed
Posted: 20 December 2016 | | No comments yet
High-speed operator NTV together with Alstom unveiled the first car of the Pendolino Italo a year after the contract signing and design presentation.

High-speed operator NTV together with Alstom unveiled the first car of the Pendolino Italo a year after the contract signing and design presentation.

Edit: Alstom
Alstom has unveiled the first Pendolino Italo for private operator NTV at its production site in Savigliano, Italy. With the twelve Pendolino ordered last year plus the existing fleet of 25 AGV trainsets, the Italo fleet will reach a total of 37 Alstom Avelia trains. This will allow the private Italian operator to expand its current network and to respond to a demand for new routes and increased frequencies for travellers. The vehicles are scheduled to be delivered by December 2017, entering service in March 2018
12 Pendolino Italo trainsets to enter service in March 2018
Alstom and NTV reveal the front car of Pendolino Italo, a year after the signature of the contract and the presentation of the design. The train is manufactured at the production site of Alstom in Savigliano (Italy), a centre of excellence for high-speed trains.
The 187-metre-long trains compose of 7 cars and can accommodate approximately 480 passengers. The vehicles can reach speeds of 250 km/h.
Alstom will maintain the 12 trainsets for a 30-year period at its plant at Nola, Napoli.
“We are very proud to present these new trains that will enable us to grow”
President of NTV, Andrea Faragalli Zenobi, commented on the Pendolino Italo unveiling: “Today is a great day for us. We are very proud to present these new trains that will enable us to grow.
“With this investment we will increase our fleet by 50 percent, we are ready to face this new challenge with enthusiasm. Special thanks today to those Italian entrepreneurs who in 2006 had this intuition called Italo, on which few would have bet initially and which is now a well-established Company.”
Michele Viale, Managing Director of Alstom in Italy, added: “The Pendolino is a versatile, high performance train. We sold more than 500 Pendolino trains worldwide, which exceeded one billion kilometre in operation. The realization of this new generation of trains for NTV has given us the opportunity to adapt the Pendolino to the latest safety standards and interoperability in Europe, opening up new opportunities worldwide for this product made in Italy”