Hull Trains installs state-of-the-art CCTV system on-board all trains
Posted: 8 August 2016 | | No comments yet
Hull Trains has installed a sophisticated IP-Based CCTV System on-board all trains coinciding with the launch of a new customer safety campaign.

Hull Trains has installed a sophisticated IP-Based CCTV System on-board all trains coinciding with the launch of a new customer safety campaign.
Hull Trains is delighted by initial results following the installation of a new state-of-the-art CCTV system. The unveiling coincided with the launch of the company’s Zero Tolerance campaign on customer safety.
CCTV system helps Hull Trains to improve customer safety and service
Jon Plowright, Head of Engineering at Hull Trains says: “CCTV isn’t only a deterrent, but is very useful as a customer service aide. For example, thanks to the CCTV we were recently able to trace and return a customer’s coat which contained over £200 cash as well as a returning a laptop for another customer which had been mistakenly removed by another passenger.”
Hull Trains has made a significant £200,000 investment in the development and installation of the state-of-the-art IP based CCTV system. Jon explains: “The system which we developed, gives us total train coverage across 23 high resolution cameras located around the unit. It provides extra security and safety for our customers and colleagues.”
“The system which we developed, gives us total train coverage across 23 high resolution cameras located around the unit”
Earlier this year, Hull Trains ran an on-board campaign to highlight their zero-tolerance stance on anti-social behaviour during journeys and on platforms. Managing Director Will Dunnett explains; “Our services are very well-managed and incidents are rare to non-existent. However, we think it is really important to be clear that the safety, security and comfort of our colleagues and customers is our utmost priority.”
“We work hard to be a great place to work and Britain’s best-loved operator. Our colleagues are fully trained in managing conflict and we now have clear arrangements in place for managing, reducing and minimising risks of antagonistic behaviour.”