Three sections of the Pan-European Transport Corridor X completed
Posted: 7 June 2016 | | No comments yet
Russian Railways Holding has completed the reconstruction of three sections of the Pan-European Transport Corridor X in Serbia.

Russian Railways Holding has completed the reconstruction of three sections of the Pan-European Transport Corridor X in Serbia.
RZD International LLC (a subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways) has opened three northern regions of Pan-European Transport Corridor X located in the Republic of Serbia.
Reconstruction work on the three sections covered 65km from Sopot Kosmaysky-Kovachevats (18km), Mala Krsna-Velika Plana (29km), and Ruma-Golubinci (18km). The total cost of the track rebuild was US$48.7 million.
Trains will now be able to travel on the line at speeds of 120 km/h, up from a previous maximum of 30 km/h.
$48.7 million contract to reconstruct three sections of Pan-European Transport Corridor X
Work was completed ahead of schedule as agreed with the client JSC Infrastructure of Serbian Railways. With work not due for completion until February 2017, the early commissioning was made possible thanks to organisational decisions and the implementation of new technologies and techniques. An example of this was the decision to work simultaneously on two sections – Golubincy – Ruma and Sopot Kosmajski – Kovachevac – gained 3.6 months against the contract schedule, while choosing Velika Plana as the base station for the reconstruction of the Sopot Kosmajski – Kovachevac and Mala Krsna – Velika Plana sections saved a lot of time on mobilisation and allowed to avoid extra expenditures.