Progress made on Czech high speed rail project
Posted: 23 April 2015 | | No comments yet
A joint venture has been appointed to establish the new Czech high speed rail project part of Trans European Transport Network’s Orient/East Med core corridor. The new cross-border railway line will connect Dresden in Germany with Ústí nad Labem and Litoměřice in the Czech Republic. Powered by electricity, it will pass through the Ore mountains, […]

A joint venture has been appointed to establish the new Czech high speed rail project part of Trans European Transport Network’s Orient/East Med core corridor.
The new cross-border railway line will connect Dresden in Germany with Ústí nad Labem and Litoměřice in the Czech Republic. Powered by electricity, it will pass through the Ore mountains, enabling it to avoid existing railway congestion through the Elbe valley. The new Czech high speed rail project states it will generate long term environmental and socio-economic benefits and reduce traveling times.
The joint venture comprising of Mott MacDonald and Sudop Praha A.S. was appointed by Správa Železniční Dopravní Cesty to carry out geotechnical investigations and perform environmental impact assessments for the route selection options. Preparatory works for design phases concerning technical investigation for major bridges and long tunnels will also be undertaken. A preliminary economical evaluation, an implementation plan and project publicity services are being provided along with a comparison between Czech, German and European legal procedures.
Project Director for Mott MacDonald, Tomáš Parák said: “This project is a major step into the new age for the Czech Republic’s railway infrastructure. As well as providing a direct link between Dresden and Prague, the new railway line is important as it will provide capacity enhancement for international traffic from the North of Europe and Baltic Sea ports to southern European countries. By developing a modern cross-border connection, it will strengthen the nation’s position in Europe.”