SNCF starts testing Erex system
Posted: 27 February 2015 | | No comments yet
Eress organisation has announced that SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) has decided to test the Erex system, and Eress Director, Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen “considers this a significant milestone.”…

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Eress organisation has announced that SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) has decided to test the Erex system, and Eress Director, Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen “considers this a significant milestone.”
SNCF will test the Eress system, Erex, for 50 of its cargo locomotives. SNCF is France’s national state-owned railway company and manages the rail traffic in France. SNCF Logistics is the division of the SNCF group responsible for freight transportation and logistics.
Eress is a non-profit organisation, jointly owned by its partners, committed to the development, implementation and supply of the Erex system. The Erex IT solution provides a thoroughly tested and established system for managing and billing consumed energy on trains. Erex makes it possible to control and accurately bill the energy each train uses. Erex ensures that train operators just pay for what they use, since bills are based on precise energy measurement. Without Erex, bills are based on estimates. Accurate energy data is also the starting point for other environmental initiatives. Erex data makes it possible to implement further measures to reduce energy use. Erex can save up to 30% of energy consumption.
Eress is a partnership between Banedanmark (Rail Net Denmark), Infrabel (Belgian Railway Infrastructure Manager), Jernbaneverket (Norwegian National Rail Administration), Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration), Liikennevirasto (Finnish Transport Agency) and SBB CFF FFS (Swiss Federal Railways).