Online survey for Rail Freight Corridor 3
Posted: 3 February 2014 | | No comments yet
Transport Market Study and Stakeholder Survey to assess developments in European Freight Traffic are underway…

The EU Corridor 3 “Stockholm-Malmö-Copenhagen-Hamburg-Innsbruck-Verona-Palermo” is one of nine Rail Freight Corridors that shall be implemented in the coming years according to EU Regulation 913/2010. This corridor constitutes an important north-south route connecting ports and terminals in Scandinavia with terminals in Germany, Austria and Italy. A joint management board formed by seven infrastructure management companies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria and Italy has been set up with the aim to improve interoperability, international cooperation, investment planning, capacity allocation and traffic management.
For this purpose, an extensive transport market study across all Rail Freight Corridor 3 countries has been assigned and is currently being carried out. It includes personal interviews as well as an online survey to be distributed to important stakeholders holding key positions in companies involved in freight and logistics along the route of Rail Freight Corridor 3.
Participation and evaluation are anonymous and stakeholders can thereby contribute to insight knowledge and views on the current and future market situation and challenges faced operating in and across this freight corridor from the market point of view.
The Rail Freight Corridor 3 management will inform all stakeholders involved and interested in corridor developments on its soon-to-be established website.