DeltaRail completes pioneering Edinburgh signalling control installation
Posted: 26 November 2013 | | No comments yet
DeltaRail is celebrating installation of a breakthrough system for signalling control…

DeltaRail is celebrating installation of a breakthrough system for signalling control that could now be rolled out to improve the entire rail network in Britain.
DeltaRail’s IECC Scalable, commissioned in the Edinburgh Regional Operating Centre (ROC) on 15.10.2013, controls six remote Solid State Interlocking (SSI) that remain in the Glasgow Cowlairs Signal Box equipment room. Using IP over the fixed telecommunications network (FTN), the Remote Interlocking Interface (RIF) has enabled remote control of SSI for the first time. With around 400 SSI installed in the UK this technology enables cost effective, efficient and secure re-control.
DeltaRail’s chief executive officer Anna Matthews says: “IECC Scalable’s RIF offered a unique and industry-leading solution to the challenge of re-controlling the Glasgow Cowlairs SSI from Edinburgh. Now the project has been launched, and has proved an instant success, there is no reason why IECC Scalable’s RIF cannot be deployed for similar SSI re-control projects across Britain’s rail network.”
Replicating the solution in other ROCs would support Network Rail’s goal of greater operational efficiency through increased centralisation. Network Rail plans to centralise control of the British network into 12 ROCs, removing over 800 signal boxes. DeltaRail already has significant experience in the re-control of remote relay interlockings.
Anna adds: “The potential is huge. Britain has a large installed base of SSI and relay interlockings that, following the success of the Edinburgh project, we now know for certain can be reconfigured to operate under the control of IECC Scalable, where ever they are installed. Others had advised Network Rail that this technology would not work, which is odd as it is used in safety related and high integrity applications across the world; including the Oil & Gas, military and banking industries.’’
IECC Scalable provides an effective solution for all sizes of signalling schemes, from ‘modular signalling’ secondary route renewals to major control centre developments. Utilising modern digital architecture with message broker integration that enables reconfigurable workstations, allowing manning to be matched to traffic levels, and the ability to locate workstations and signalling interfaces remotely using open, secure communications.