The symposium for newcomers and career changers in the railway system
Posted: 14 June 2024 | | No comments yet
Under the leadership of the VDEI – Working Group Young Network Railway, the BahnBasic plus symposium will take place in Erfurt on 9th-10th September 2024. This combines the transfer of knowledge on the basics of various parts of the railway system with the opportunity to make new contacts.

Knowledge transfer takes place in four slots of 2.5 hours each, whereby you can choose one module per slot. There are a total of eight modules to choose from, ranging from various sub-areas of infrastructure to rail operations and rail vehicles. The breaks, and especially the joint dinner, offer the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and to make new contacts. The following subject-specific modules are on offer:
Driving and building: This workshop is about the conflict of letting as many trains as possible run (on time) under the premise that construction work must also be carried out due to maintenance, expansion or new construction of lines.
Railway power supply and railway lines: This module deals with how the energy for the operation of electric vehicles is provided and distributed, where the requirements for an electric railway network lie, and what added value electric traction brings.
Geotechnics: Workshop Geotechnics or what does the train run on? Railway lines have special geotechnical requirements and challenges, which will be worked out in the workshop. After brief explanations of the geotechnical basics, these special features are illustrated by the following buildings and constructions
Commercial and legal handling of infrastructure projects:
This module will discuss the basics of financing infrastructure projects and the applicable legal situation. The various financing options (EU, federal, state, own funds) have many different prerequisites for the use of the funds and thus also certain restrictions, which we will learn about in the module.
Control and safety technology: This workshop is about how vehicle movements in the railway are coordinated and secured. The railway achieves its high level of safety above all through sophisticated control and safety technology, the basic principle of which goes back to the early days of the railways.
Railway operations: “How does the railway actually work?” In this topic area, we explain how rail operations are safe, punctual and economical and what requirements must be met for this.
Superstructure: This module explains the basics of superstructure. The focus of the event is on the ballast superstructure with rail, sleeper and ballast bed. In addition, the slab track, switches, level crossings, the subsoil and vibration/noise protection are considered.
Vehicles: In this module, we deal with the basics of rail vehicles. After the basic classification of the rail vehicles, we look at the life cycle: from the determination of requirements and design to operation and maintenance. Essential components of rail vehicles are dealt with using examples from passenger and freight transport.
BahnBasic plus provides people who are new to the railway system with a sound basic knowledge in the subject areas relevant to them. BahnBasic plus offers people who already have experience in a sub-area the opportunity to gain insights into other areas. BahnBasic plus is a basic course. Participants do not need any professional requirements. This seminar is suitable for beginners, career changers and changeovers in the railway sector and all those who want to expand their knowledge in the railway sector.
Details and registration can be found here:
Details and registration for all VDEI academy events can be found at: