COMMENT: SilverRail’s Cameron Jones reacts to scrapping of peak fares
Posted: 21 March 2024 | Emily Budgen | No comments yet
SilverRail’s Cameron Jones has issued a response to the scrapping of peak fares in Scotland, celebrating the initiative.

Cameron Jones, Chief Commercial Officer at SilverRail
“It has been great to see Scotland’s bold move towards scrapping peak fares on ScotRail as part of the government’s pilot scheme. Now, calls to make this a permanent change are picking up real momentum, with reports that rail travel has increased since it was introduced last year. This pilot scheme echoes our belief that eliminating fare complexities and making rail travel more affordable are crucial levers for invigorating the rail sector.
“There’s a growing need for simplifying fare structures, as we’ve found more than half (58%) of customers agree that there are simply too many ticket options to choose from. The Scottish Government’s initiative aligns with a vision of an inclusive, green, and efficient rail network, offering a blueprint for nationwide adoption. We see this pilot as a pivotal moment in the journey towards a more connected and sustainable future, and we’re excited to support the industry in harnessing the full potential of rail travel for all.”
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