SNCF Reseau’s FRMCS projects
Posted: 19 March 2024 | Emily Budgen | 1 comment
SNCF Reseau have provided an update on their upcoming and in the works FRMCS projects, including their work with numerous suppliers.

Credit: SNCF
Within the context of FRMCS deployment, SNCF Réseau is carrying out Research & Development projects in partnership with manufacturers (Siemens, Alstom, Kontron, Thalès, Nokia, etc.) and other European infrastructure managers (the Austrian OEBB, the Swiss SBB, the German DB InfraGO, the Spanish ADIF and the Dutch ProRail):
- 5G-RACOM (5G for resilient and green RAil COMmunication): this Franco-German project is studying solutions for the efficient, reliable and sustainable use of FRMCS. Among other things, it aims to study, develop and test radio technologies capable of supporting both 2G and 5G systems during the migration phase, and is supported by the French government via the France 2030 investment plan.
- 5G-RAIL: a project that ended in December 2023, which involved building and testing the first FRMCS technology prototypes.
- R2 DATO: the R2 DATO programme focuses on train automation, with an increasing emphasis on FRMCS.
- MORANE 2: (MObile Radio for RAilways Networks in Europe) also known as “Destination 2”. This programme, which is currently under construction, will enable product development standards to be validated. It will run for three years between 2024 and 2027.
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