Network Rail’s Managing Director of Network Operations joins Global Railway Review Editorial Board
Posted: 16 January 2013 | | No comments yet
Robin Gisby has joined Global Railway Review’s Editorial Board…

Robin Gisby, Managing Director of Network Operations for Network Rail
Global Railway Review is pleased to announce that Robin Gisby, Managing Director of Network Operations for Network Rail has joined the Editorial Board of the publication.

Robin Gisby, Managing Director of Network Operations for Network Rail
“Britain’s railways are booming, with more and more people and businesses choosing rail each year,” explains Robin on joining our Editorial Board. “As numbers continue to grow, the challenge to deliver a safe, reliable railway for passenger and freight operators on one of the busiest mixed-use rail networks in Europe grows too. From an operational perspective, these are fascinating times. Our railway is among the oldest in the world, but today we move more trains than ever before on a network half the size that it was 50 years ago. The challenges of growth and the need to demonstrate value for money mean we are more focused than ever before on new technology and new ways of working which allow us to get the most out of Britain’s rail infrastructure.”
Robin Continues: “There is much we can learn, and have already learned, from other infrastructure operators across Europe. Sharing experience and expertise is absolutely crucial, which is why I’m delighted to join the Editorial Board of Global Railway Review for 2013.”