RFF to invest 3.4 billion euro in the rail network in 2012
Posted: 24 September 2012 | | No comments yet
Implementation of the conclusions of the national rail consultation will create 25,000 jobs…

The Board of Directors of RFF today noted the continuation of the process of modernisation and development of the national rail network, valued at 3.4 billion euros in 2012, a figure equivalent to that of 2011. This commitment bears witness to the French government’s determination to modernise and develop the existing rail network. With the construction of 4 high-speed rail lines, 17 billion euros will be invested in the national economy by 2017, thus creating through these projects alone over 25,000 jobs per year during this period.
RFF is fully mobilised to participate in the implementation of the policies proposed by Ministers Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet and Thierry Mariani at the conclusion of the Assises du Ferroviaire (National Rail Consultation).
From an organisational viewpoint, RFF and the Department of Railway Circulation (DCF) continue their movement towards convergence, in accordance with the wishes expressed on 15th December 2011 by Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the Minister for Ecology, for Sustainable Development, for Transport and for Housing, when she asked RFF to accelerate the convergence with DCF that it has already started to implement.
By moving towards closer convergence with DCF, RFF is able to optimise its human resources and skills. This convergence prepares the way for the introduction of a network operator with full powers.
The aim of this new step forward is to improve the quality of the network and to provide a better service to passenger and freight transport companies. It takes into account the orientation of investment, which is today principally devoted to the existing network. It requires the integrated management of train paths and of repair and maintenance work.
RFF and DCF are applying the following specific policies:
- to combine in operational and physical terms the “timetable” teams (as part of the Convergence Project) under the responsibility of Gilles Cheval, the Director of Train Path Definition,
- to accelerate the physical collaboration of our regional teams, as has already been planned for in the Rhone-Alpes Region,
- to implement jointly the planned centralised command structure for the network.
RFF and SNCF Infra continue for their part participation in shared structures in relation to projects such as the EOLE rail system in the Paris region, or maintenance operations.
This new stage will make it possible to construct an organisational structure for RFF that will anticipate the unification of responsibilities as network operator and the improvement of the economic performance of network operations and the elaboration of train timetables.