
ERTMS Solutions and Expandium announce a strategic alliance

Posted: 14 September 2012 | | No comments yet

Strategic alliance to answer railway operators’ incessant demand for multi-purposes quality monitoring solutions….

ERTMS Solutions and Expandium announce today a strategic alliance to answer railway operators’ incessant demand for multi-purposes quality monitoring solutions.

Expandium, an established innovative and leading provider of railway telecommunication monitoring solutions, and ERTMS Solutions, an ERTMS software and services company leading the ERTMS onsite testing market, announce today a new partnership and strategic alliance .

Under this partnership, Expandium and ERTMS Solutions are collaborating to connect their flagship solutions together, respectively QATS Railway and ERTMSCamCorder, in order to serve the growing needs of ERTMS Level 2 and Level 3 testing and monitoring.

QATS Railway, Expandium’s all-in-one GSM-R & ETCS network monitoring and troubleshooting solution, is currently offering many features based on telecommunication infrastructure. Through this partnership with ERTMS Solutions, QATS Railway will be able to correlate and display valuable information from the network’s infrastructure and the train onboard equipment.

ERTMSCamCorder is the market’s leading ERTMS onsite testing solution, enabling ERTMS Solutions customers to provide 30% more tests per hour spent on the track and 90% more efficiency when analysing onsite test results. By integrating the ERTMSCamCorder with QATS Railway solution, the ERTMSCamCorder will be able to extend its range of action to cover both onboard and trackside ERTMS information.

Railway operators should benefit from this partnership by:

* Having a real end-to-end call tracing message flow

* Getting an enhanced interoperability between their various equipment vendors from on-board to on-track railway equipment.

* Obtaining significant time and productivity gains

“We are very delighted to have formed an alliance with ERTMS Solutions. We believe this partnership will mostly benefit to our customers. This alliance enables Expandium to further assess its leading positioning in the European Railway Telecommunication Monitoring market by offering yet more features and functionalities to the end user.” said Bernard Giner, Expandium CEO.

Stanislas Pinte, ERTMS Solutions Sales Director, added “I am thrilled to extend our collaboration with Expandium that has been driven by a constant demand from our customers. These customers recognize the complementarities behind both companies solutions, and were during the last year asking for more integration of our solutions. Together with Expandium, we are now in a very strong position to develop the next ERTMS innovations.”

By putting together Expandium’s competencies in railway telecommunication monitoring and ERTMS Solutions’ expertise in railway signaling, this partnership marks the synergy between the railway signaling and railway telecommunication fields.