Newspirit / Saeyoung, South Korea, joins the ERTMS Solutions Group
Posted: 4 July 2012 | | No comments yet
ERTMS Solutions is a Brussels-based company developing ERTMS software and services since 2004…

ERTMS Solutions is a Brussels-based company developing ERTMS software and services since 2004. In a 8-years timeframe, ERTMS Solutions built a global customer base, with names ranging from Ansaldo STS, a leading ERTMS signalling systems vendor, to INFRABEL, the Belgian infrastructure manager. ERTMS Solutions is today active in 10 countries from Western Europe to Asia.
Initially a product-based company, ERTMS Solutions has seen increasing demand for local, cutting-edge ERTMS services. This demand originates from all actors involved in developing, using or maintaining ERTMS trackside and onboard equipments. A first successful assignment with the Belgian infrastructure manager, INFRABEL, validated the business case of specialized ERTMS services.
Sun-Ho Kim, Sales General Manager at ERTMS Solutions South Korea: “ERTMS/ETCS was developed in order to unify the different railway signaling systems at first. However, although ERTMS/ETCS intends interoperability, there happen many of arguments and even disputes between different contractors. Due to un-complying or manufacturer-specific variables, the time and resources are easily wasted unnecessarily. ERTMS/ETCS market in Korea has been growing since introduced 2003, but not drastic while it remained outside of Korea. Based on lack of understanding of its guideline and standard(FFFIS and SUBSETs), many of researches and developments can be misguided and collapsed without any results. Therefore SAEYOUNG is joining the ERTMS Solutions, so that we can provide the proper solution which helps productive implementation of system, the proper guideline to developer’s need and save the time for ERTMS/ETCS system implementation and system maintenance.”
Stanislas Pinte, sales director of ERTMS Solutions headquarters: “ I am very happy of this further step toward building a worldwide network of local presences, under one successful brand: ERTMS Solutions. The ERTMS market is in heavy demand of independent, specialized ERTMS expertise, to help a patchwork industry put in place tomorrow signaling standards. We have achieved reducing the implementation costs of ERTMS vendors and users, and this is a critical capability in 2012. Moreover, services cannot be provided without strong local presence. Today, we have a local presence in Western, Northern Europe and Asia. Middle-East and South America shall follow. Who knows, the US could be next in line. The ERTMS Solutions Group has today, with a headcount of 26 experts, the largest ERTMS-focused group of specialists in the world, among which several ERTMS specialties that you can’t find anywhere else. “
Contact information:
ERTMS Solutions headquarters:
Stanislas Pinte [email protected] Cell: +32 499 25 04 24, Brussels
ERTMS Solutions South Korea:
Sun-Ho Kim [email protected] Tel: +82-2-3472-6142(010-5185-2497), Seoul