Lincoln level crossings, consultation extended in response to public interest
Posted: 20 June 2012 | | 1 comment
Consultation period extended for its plans to reduce the risk of misuse at High Street and Brayford Wharf level crossings…

Network Rail has extended the consultation period for its plans to reduce the risk of misuse at High Street and Brayford Wharf level crossings in Lincoln. The company is seeking to improve pedestrian access around the city through provision of two new footbridges and had intended to submit a planning application in the coming weeks.
Phil Verster, route managing director for Network Rail said: “We were very pleased that around 600 people attended our public events earlier this month. We received strong support for the bridges from the vast majority of them. All of the comments we have received are now being fed into the design process.
“We intend to have detailed designs to share with the people of Lincoln next month, allowing time for further comments before we submit a planning application in September.”
Speaking of the need for the bridges Mr Verster added: “We regularly see people rushing across the level crossings at Lincoln High Street and Brayford Wharf once the warnings have started. We even have instances of people lifting the barriers. Clearly this behaviour is highly reckless and dangerous.
“Much level crossing misuse results from people not thinking about the risks but we believe frustration caused by the location of the crossings is also a factor in Lincoln. The crossings here are already the highest possible safety design so we needed a pragmatic, joint effort to further reduce the risk of misuse. I am grateful for the support we have received from city, county and university representatives.
Network Rail is looking to develop designs for the bridges which are in keeping with and will enhance the city centre and has received advice from City of Lincoln Council, Lincolnshire County Council and the University of Lincoln.
Details of further public engagement events will be released once confirmed.
If people choose to kill themselves by reckless behaviour on gated level crossings then so be it. It is called natural selection.