EliopSeinalia evaluates the ERTMSCamCorder for ERTMS onsite testing
Posted: 14 May 2012 | | No comments yet
In order to help its customers test, homologate and maintain their onboard and trackside…

In order to help its customers test, homologate and maintain their onboard and trackside ERTMS solutions, EliopSeinalia is evaluating integrating the ERTMSCamCorder in their ERTMS solution portfolio.
Stanislas Pinte, ERTMS Solutions, Sales Director: “The ERTMSCamCorder has been reported to provide 30% more tests per hour spent onsite and 90% more efficiency when analysing onsite test results. We are very happy to see our ERTMSCamCorder solution gaining increasing recognition on the industry side, showing that it is delivering a very significant productivity improvement in the extremely costly area of ERTMS onsite testing”.
Iñigo Balda, EliopSeinalia, CEO: “By integrating the ERTMSCamCorder in our solution portfolio, we enable our customers to achieve more efficient testing, homologation and maintenance of ERTMS onboard and trackside systems, while keeping our focus on the competitive advantages of EliopSeinalia’s ERTMS solutions”.