ATOC sets out high level overview on rolling stock numbers
Posted: 8 May 2012 | | No comments yet
ATOC has set out the industry’s options for additional vehicles between 2014 and 2019 (Control Period 5)…

The Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) has set out the industry’s options for additional vehicles between 2014 and 2019 (Control Period 5).
The document follows the discussion paper on rolling stock published by ATOC in December 2011 and aims to lay the ground for a longer-term and more comprehensive cross-industry strategy scheduled to be completed in the autumn.
The document says that the total fleet could grow to between 13,601 and 14,512 by the end of CP5 – equivalent to an increase of between 11% and 18% above the total fleet size expected by the end of CP4.
There are already significant new vehicle orders in place that will be delivered in CP5 that are being led by the Government, including Crossrail, Thameslink and IEP, expected to be in the region of 2,100 to 2,900 vehicles.
In addition, the most likely requirement for additional vehicles delivered through franchising and commercial deals over the period will be in a range between 500 and 1,500. These figures are highly dependent on decisions taken during the franchising process about levels of passenger growth and the extent to which existing vehicles can continue in service.
Michael Roberts, Chief Executive of ATOC said: “We hope that the forecasts will support policy makers, suppliers and other parts of the Government with the best available information about the possible size and nature of future rolling stock orders and the potential to extend the life of sections of the existing fleet.”
A copy of the document is available at this link