CER General Assembly welcomes new members
Posted: 4 May 2012 | | No comments yet
The CER General Assembly has approved the applications for membership of Calea Ferată din Moldova and HS2…

The CER General Assembly on 3 May in Paris approved the applications for membership of Calea Ferată din Moldova (Railways of Moldova) and HS2 (High Speed Two). Together with the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) and WESTbahn who joined CER in December 2011, CER now brings together 78 railway undertakings, infrastructure companies, path allocation bodies and vehicle leasing companies.
Calea Ferată din Moldova is the national Moldovan railway company. CFM operates both passenger and freight trains and manages the railway infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova.
High Speed Two (HS2) was established in 2009 to advise the UK Government on the developments of the high-speed rail network in Great Britain. HS2 is wholly owned by the UK Government.
CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said: “The diversity of our membership is an essential part of our representativeness. We are the only rail association in the EU representing the entire rail system. I am sure that these new members will play an essential role in shaping our positions and providing the EU institutions with new, solid ideas for future EU transport legislation.”
Related organisations
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)